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Find out how ask for your child to be put on to the reallocation list.

This is for places that may become available after 1st March 2025 (secondary schools) and 16th April 2025 (primary schools).

  • If you ask for a higher preference school than has been allocated, the place offered can be retained.
  • The higher preference school must be given up , if:

    • You ask for a lower preference school than has been offered;
    • or a school which was not shown on your original application form.

    (Please note: If you give up a place, it does not guarantee reallocation to another school. Also, the original place offered will be given to another child).

  • If a school has been offered which was not chosen originally, parents/guardians can request reallocation to:
    • All preferred schools;
    • or a school which was not shown on the original application form.

Requests should be made using these forms:

Primary reallocation and appeal request form

Secondary reallocation and appeal request form

The deadline for the initial round of requests is:

  • 15th March 2025 for secondary schools.
  • 30th April 2025 for primary schools.

Requests that we get after these dates will be dealt with in the date order that they are received.

Parents will be notified of the outcome in writing by:

  • 29th March 2025 for secondary schools;
  • 14th May 2025 for primary schools.

Note: Information on the outcome of reallocations will not be given over the phone.

Reallocation lists will be kept by the Local Authority for one week into the academic year beginning in September 2025. This is for both primary and secondary schools.

Waiting lists will then be maintained by the appropriate admission authority. This will be at least until the end of the Autumn term of the academic year.

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