The Calderdale Governors' Association (CGA) is a local independent body which aims to improve governance in Calderdale by supporting governors and sharing knowledge, expertise and good practice. It will consult with governors and arrange meetings/training sessions to discuss matters of interest to which all Calderdale governors are welcome to attend.
Although CGA is independent of the Local Authority (LA) they will work closely together and the LA will provide administrative support.
Please note: the representation from governors below is obtained firstly by nominations from the relevant category of governors and if there are more nominations than vacancies this will then go to election arranged by the Governor Support Admin Officer.
Parent governor representatives (PGRs)
There are PGRs in each local authority in England and their role is to represent the voice of parents on local education committees. In Calderdale, we have two PGRs on the Children and Young People's Services Scrutiny Panel.
If any parent governor has a problem, or an opinion or viewpoint that they want to share with the panel, they should contact the Governor Support Team. Your query will be forwarded to current representatives.
Local Authority Appointments Panel - Governor Representation
This has primary and secondary governor, who are informed of vacancies when they become available.
Cluster representation
Some of our school clusters have representation from governors, dependent on what the cluster lead requests. This can be organised through the Governor Support Admin Officer.
Calderdale Schools Forum
The Calderdale Schools Forum has 18 members made up from:
- Headteachers.
- Governors.
- Church of England.
- Catholic Church.
- Professional associations.
Under regulations, a local authority must consult its Schools' Forum on a range of issues, such as:
- School funding such as changes to the school funding formula.
- Contracts that an authority is letting or re-letting for provision of services to schools. (For example, cleaning, catering, grounds maintenance and such.)
- Financial arrangements an authority makes for a range of central school budget expenditure. This covers things like:
- The provision for pupils with special educational needs.
- Excluded pupils.
- Early years.
- Insurance.
- Changes to the scheme for financing schools.
- Administration of grants.
- Free school meals.
- Applications for increases to the limit on central expenditure.
- Applications to vary the application of the minimum funding guarantee.
- The use of headroom (ie real growth in school budgets).
Calderdale Schools Forum also looks at a range of issues around to the wider financial context of schools. These are things like:
- Scrutiny of school balances.
- Capital expenditure and provision.
The term of office for a governor on this forum is three years. The Governor Support Admin Officer will send out a notification when there is a vacancy due.