School governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children's education.
- One of the largest volunteer forces in the country, they have an important part to play in raising school standards.
- The role of the governing body is key in a school being effective.
We nominate Local Authority governors to our schools. We also help our schools to find other categories of governors, such as co-opted and foundation.
All governors have the same role, but have different categories to make sure different view points can be shared.
There are some videos to help you to know what governors do, visit: Becoming a School Governor (YouTube).
For more information, visit: Visible Governance - role of governors and trustees (NGA).
Please apply even if there is no current vacancy that suits you. We will try to find you a position under a different category.
Local authority appointed (LA) governors
An Appointments Panel submits nominations for governors at schools where there is an LA vacancy. This is mainly based on the skills sets needed by the school. These are not political positions. Panel membership includes:
- Elected members;
- School governors;
- Diocesan;
- Union.
All candidates for LA governor places are asked to complete an application form:
Please note: Before you complete the application form, please read: Governor support - privacy notice.
The Appointments Panel meet as needed. Vacancies at December 2022 are for:
- Christ Church (Sowerby Bridge).
- Cliffe Hill.
- Highbury.
- Holywell Green.
- Luddenden CE.
- St John's (Clifton).
- Todmorden High.
If appointed, you are expected to work to the school's ethos and vision. To see what to expect before you apply, please read:
When appointed, you will be asked for personal details that include:
- Home address.
- Contact numbers.
- Ethnicity data.
Your details will be kept in line with the Data Protection Act 2018. Appointments are subject to checks around safeguarding children.