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Student loans

Student loans for higher education are assessed by Student Finance England, who also provide information and advice to students.

Student finance is now managed by Student Finance England (SFE).

  • Student Finance England

    PO Box 210


    DL1 9HJ
  • Telephone: 0845 300 5090
  • Website: Student finance (GOV.UK).

If you are a current student, SFE will write to you when they take over your student finance.

After the transfer, all you need to do is send them:

  • Applications;
  • correspondence;
  • and enquiries.

Please note: Your funding will not be effected by the transfer.

The above information applies to all aspects of student finance:

  • Maintenance Loans/Grants;
  • Special Support Grant;
  • Parent's Learning Allowance;
  • Adult Dependant's Grant;
  • Childcare Grant;
  • Travel Grant;
  • and Disabled Student's Allowance.

Disabled Student's Allowance

This is to help disabled students in higher education to benefit as much as possible from their course.

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