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RLSS National Pool Lifeguard Qualification

Find out the criteria to apply, cost and how the course is delivered.

This provides skills in swimming pool supervision, intervention/rescue, first aid and resuscitation.


We suggest that you practice these skills before your are assessed:

  1. Be 16+ years of age on the date of the assessment.
  2. Jump/dive into deep water.
  3. Swim 50 metres in no more than 60 seconds. (You must show the use of a recognised stroke.)
  4. Swim 100 metres continuously on front and back.
  5. In deep water, tread water for 30 seconds.
  6. Surface dive to the floor of the pool (12 foot 6 inches) without hearing/ear problems.
  7. Swim 50 metres breaststroke on the back (leg-kick only).
  8. Climb out of the pool unaided without using a ladder/steps where the pool design permits.

To get a place, you must show us these skills during a short assessment. This will take place from two to four weeks before the start of the course.


  • £352.10.


  • The course runs from Monday to Friday.
  • You will be assessed on the Saturday morning.

Please note: You must attend 100% to pass.

For more detail or to apply, please contact: 

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