The Road Safety Partnership is a multi-agency group that includes:
- Calderdale Council.
- West Yorkshire Police.
- West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue.
- Calderdale NHS Trust/Yorkshire Ambulance Service.
- Voluntary organisations.
- Local communities.
Working together in West Yorkshire, the group aims to:
- Make our roads safer;
- reduce road injuries;
- and promote healthy transport, like walking and cycling.
Vision Zero
To prevent future road traffic deaths and injuries we are adopting Vision Zero. This is a recognised way to improve road safety.
This strategy aims to reduce road deaths and accidents to zero. It marks a new direction in how road danger is reduced.
- The focus puts the needs of people and communities above that of vehicles.
- This moves away from the traditional approach that has focused on roads. (With this, road deaths and accidents are more likely to take place.)
The five key areas are:
- Safer speeds.
- Safer vehicles.
- Safer roads.
- Safer behaviours.
- Improved learning from collision investigations.
We are making a plan for our Borough and we are also part of West Yorkshire Vision Zero.
For more details, please visit: Vision Zero - West Yorkshire Safe Roads.
The West Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnership
Their current deployment strategy was launched in February 2023. To view the policy, visit: Enforcement, Signing and Speed Management.
For more about the partnership, visit: West Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnership.
Community road safety resources
Be bright, be seen
Information on how to help keep yourself more visible to road users:
Cycle safety
Many people say they are put off cycling because they do not like the idea of doing it in traffic. Although, many cyclists use busy roads every day without any problems.
Have a look at the information from a number of experts:
Mobile phones, music and other people are some of the things that can distract you as a driver or pedestrian.
Find out more on keeping yourself safe from distractions:
We have put together all the key information for all you need to know about e-scooter use in the UK. This includes use and legislation:
- E-Scooters (RoSPA).
- Are E Scooters legal in the UK? (Move Electric).
- Advice on using e-Scooters (POLICE.UK).
- Is your teenager risking their future driving by using an e-scooter? (Road Safety GB/Think!).
Equestrian safety
Whether a rider or a driver, find out how to keep safe on the roads and avoid accidents with horses:
Mobility scooters and powered wheelchairs
You do not need a licence to drive these, but you may need to register it. Only certain types can be driven on the road.
Follow the links to find out more:
Injuries to motorcyclists are out of proportion to their presence on our roads. They are just 1% of total road traffic, but are 19% of all road user deaths. For more about this, please visit:
Older drivers
Experienced drivers are (in general) safer than those with less experience. Although, as we get older, our health and fitness including our eyesight, physical condition and reaction times, begins to decline. Age-related conditions can also begin to affect our driving.
Op Snap Dash Cam Submissions
West Yorkshire Police have a form you can use to submit dash cam footage of dangerous driving.
Please note: It can only be used for driving offences and is not to be used to submit:
- Road Traffic Collisions;
- public order offences;
- and is not for reporting crime.
This will be reviewed by the police to see if an offence has been committed. Also, whether it will be possible to progress with action against the offender.
To make sure of the best outcome, the footage should include:
- The offending vehicle's number plate, which must be visible.
- It must be moving video, photos cannot be used.
- The incident should be reported ASAP and no later than 10 days after. This is due to there being certain time limits in legislation that must be complied with.
- The footage should include the whole incident. Where possible, it should include 1 minute before and 1 minute after the alleged offence.
To find out more and/or to submit footage, visit: West Yorkshire Safer Roads - Op Snap (West Yorkshire Police).
Thank you to anyone who submits footage, you are helping to improve road safety.
School parking - helping schools to reduce their parking issues
Inappropriate parking and driving outside schools puts children's lives at risk. Below are materials that schools can use with parents and children. This includes a pledge for parents to sign up to.
Vehicle checks
Is your vehicle safely equipped to drive? Take a look at the following links showing drivers how to perform basic safety checks.
- Highway code and road safety (GOV.UK)
- Vehicle safety checks (GOV.UK)
- Tyresafe
Winter maintenance
Useful tips on sensible safety measures to put in place during the winter months.
Young drivers
Are your children learning to drive or newly qualified? Here is what you need to know to help make their early years on the road safe and accident-free.
The Fatal Five
1. Driving under the influence
Drink driving
Drink driving can cause serious consequences for you and your family.
Find out more about this and make sure you do not get caught out, visit:
- Morning After.
- Drink driving and the legal alcohol limit (Drinkaware).
- The drink drive limit (GOV.UK).
- Have none for the road this Christmas (Brake).
- Mates matter (Think!).
Drug driving
It is against the law to drive under the influence of illegal drugs. Did you know there are also some prescribed drugs that can affect your ability to drive?
For more about this, visit:
- Drugs and driving: the law (GOV.UK).
- Drug driving (Brake).
- Driving for work (RoSPA).
2. Speeding
The difference of a few miles per hour can mean the difference between life and death.
For useful information to help keep you safe when driving, visit:
3. Mobile phones
It is illegal to hold and use your phone while driving. Get caught and you will face six points on your license and a £200 fine.
For more details, visit:
- Using mobile phones when driving (GOV.UK).
- Mobile phone laws (RAC).
- Distractions (RoSPA).
4. Seatbelts
Whether a driver or passenger (in a crash) seatbelts greatly improves your chance of avoiding serious injury or death.
For more about this and appropriate child car seats, visit:
- Child car seats (RoSPA).
- Our guide to choosing the right car seats (RoSPA).
- Car safety (RoSPA).
- Car safety (Good Egg).
5. Careless driving
Driving without due care and consideration could lead to serious consequences.
To find out more, visit:
- Driving without due care and consideration (RAC).
- Road rage (RoSPA).
- Driving offences and their punishments (RAC).