How to apply
Please complete the application form and return with the Licence fees to the Licensing Unit.
Planning requirements
Before applying for a Riding Establishment Licence you need to check whether your premises have the necessary planning permissions to operate the business.
Further advice and guidance can be sought from Planning Services by emailing:
Local Authorities must have regard to the following when considering an application for a pet shop licence:
Will tacit authorisation apply?
What happens next?
On receipt of an application, whether it is a new application or a renewal, an Officer from the Local Authority will contact you within 10 working days and make an appointment to inspect your premises. The officer will determine the suitability of the premises and also the suitability of the owner in accordance with the conditions.
A licence will not be issued until the officers are satisfied that the conditions are met. In determining whether to grant a licence or not the Local Authority will consider the issues listed under the conditions but these are without prejudice to our discretion to refuse a licence on any other grounds.
Contact us
Any comments you wish to make in respect of these conditions should be sent to
Licensing, The Licensing Unit, Calderdale MBC:
- Address: Town Hall, Halifax. HX1 1UJ.
- Phone: (01422) 393001, 393002 or 393131.
- Email: