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Open Data

Here you can see information on Calderdale Data Works to see what Open Data we have published.

This is about being more open and sharing what we know with the wider community.

Calderdale Data Works is the platform we use. The data here is free for anyone to use and republish, as they wish.

Use the data, share ideas, read our innovation stories, submit your data. Help us build a bigger, richer picture of Calderdale.

Data is published in the following categories:

  • Education

    Calderdale schools, numbers of primary and secondary pupils, admissions and children's centres.
  • Environment

    Environmental Health service requests and fixed penalty notices, air quality, traffic, Northern Powergrid and Yorkshire Water data.
  • Health

    Public health profile for each of our Wards, with details of doctors, dentists, opticians, cycling, COVID-19 and defibrillators.
  • Land and Property

    Business rates, land and building assets, planning applications and parking.
  • Organisation and Salaries

    Salaries of senior Council staff, employee numbers and pay scales, election results, customer contacts, Councillor allowances and expenses. Pay policy and Gender pay gap reports.
  • Population

    Population estimates and projections, Indices of Deprivation, homelessness, Census 2021.
  • Society

    Wards, anti-poverty, tourism, grants and funerals.
  • Spending and Procurement

    Council contracts, budget, procurement card transactions, payments to suppliers and grants to voluntary/community organisations.
  • Transparency

    All the required datasets we publish under the Transparency code, see below.
  • Transport

    Gritting routes, metro card usage, railway stations, parking, road safety and cycling.

Other Council news

Transparency and Freedom of Information

The Local Government Transparency Code requires local authorities to publish information in order to increase democratic accountability.

This makes it easier for local people to be a part of decisions and help shape public services.

Information and datasets published as part of the Transparency code, are available on:

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