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The Publication Scheme

The Freedom of Information Act (FoIA) requires all public authorities to adopt and maintain a Publication Scheme.

The Publication Scheme aims to let everyone know what information is automatically or routinely published by the Council. It also lets you know where you can get it from.

There are seven categories:

Who we are and what we do

Contact us

Our 'Customer First' gives you access to advisers based in our Halifax office. For contact details, please see:

Also, you may reach services directly, see: Directorates and service areas.

You can also Do it online.

Calderdale Council's priorities

Calderdale Council has ambition and priorities for delivering services to local people. Calderdale will be a place where we value everyone being different and through our actions we demonstrate that everyone matters. For more on this, see: priorities and performance.

Democracy and elections

You can learn about how Local democracy works, view The constitution and find out all about your local Councillors.

To find out about the election process, how to vote and election results, see: Elections and Voting.

What we spend and how we spend it

Please see: Budgets and spending.

What are our priorities and how are we doing

How we make decisions

The Constitution

Calderdale Council operates an executive decision making structure. The operation of the structure is controlled by the Constitution. Meetings are generally open to the public to attend except where personal or confidential matters are being discussed.

Council Meetings

Council meetings are held in the Town Hall in Halifax and are often open to the public. You can find meeting dates and times at most Council offices, on the website or call: 01422 393011.

Community consultations

Details of consultations the Council and partner organisations are planning, consulting on now and outcomes of those that have ended. For more on this, see: Calderdale Engage.

Our policies and procedures

Please see: Council publications.

Lists and registers

Public registers and registers held as public records: Available online

Register of ancient monuments

To protect archaeological sites for future generations, the most valuable of them may be scheduled.

Register of definitive map modification order applications

For applications made under section 53(5) of the 1981 Act. (To modify the Definitive Map and Statement of Public Rights of Way).

We must keep this under section 53B(1) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act.

Register of Highways Statement and Declarations and Register of Landowner Statements

It list declarations lodged and maps and statements deposited under section 31 (6) of 1980 Act. A number of entries that have expired are also available, see:

This must be kept under section 31A of the Highways Act 1980.

Register of Landowner Statements

It lists statements deposited under section 15A of the 2006 Act.

This must be kept under section 15B of the Commons Act 2006.

Hackney carriage/private hire licence register

All current licenses and applications in relation to the Licensing Act 2003 and Private Hire and Hackney Carriages are available.

For more about a particular licence, certificate or application, please contact: The Licensing Unit.

Public registers and registers held as public records: Available by application or in person

Commons and towns or village greens register

Common land is usually privately owned, but now or in the past, had common rights over it.

  • It is generally open, not enforced and remote, more so in the upland areas of England and Wales.
  • Within England and Wales there is around 572,000 hectares of common land.
  • Of this, 550,000 hectares are registered under the Commons Registration Act 1965.

Electoral register

Lists the name and address of everyone who has registered to vote.

  • By law, the Electoral Registration Officer must make the register available for anyone to look at, in person, under supervision.
  • Copies may not be taken of the electoral register other than by hand written notes.

Members' interests

The Head of Democratic and Partnership Services is the 'Monitoring Officer'. They are responsible for the 'register of interests' of Councillors and co-opted members (with voting rights).

This must be done by law under Section 29 of the Localism Act (2012).

For more on this, see Part 6 of the Constitution:

List of Streets

A list of streets maintainable at public expense ('adopted').

The Definite Map and Statement of Public Rights of Way

The definitive map and statement form the legal record of public rights of way in Calderdale.

These are available for public inspection at: Halifax Customer First.

Services provided by the Council

Service enquiries

You can access many of our services online, see: Do it online.

You can chat with a member of our support team via web chat.

Council Directorates

We have five Directorates. Each one looks after different types of services. To see what each one does, please see:


You may have to pay for some of our services, please see: Fees and charges.

Transparency and Open Data

We want to be open and transparent by making information available through the Publication Scheme.

We also have data on our Open Data website: Calderdale Data Works.

We also publish a wide range of information and make it available in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Planning applications available for public inspection.
  • Guides for our services and facilities.

A great deal of the information that we hold as a Council is personal and private to individuals. The FoIA does not mean we will be making any of this public.

The Data Protection Act gives you the right to see the information we hold about you. Your private affairs and business with the Council, are not the subject of the Publication Scheme.

  • Most information is available free, but we charge for photocopying or printing.
  • Some publications may also have a charge. We will tell you if charges apply to the information you request.

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