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Help you can arrange for yourself or relatives

Find out about equipment, services and organisations you can arrange and pay for yourself.

If you or a relative need help in the home, you can take steps to help yourself. This can be small changes and additions to the home, like grab-rails. You can also get equipment to help you, like walking sticks and key-safes.

Making small changes to help you with routine tasks

There are many changes that can be made to improve your daily and weekly routines:

  • Medication delivery. Most pharmacies offer a delivery service to your door. This can also be used for repeat prescriptions and medication.
  • Grocery delivery. Most large supermarkets offer online shopping. You can select your food and get it delivered to your door.
  • Online shopping. You can find lower cost aids at many online market places. Try Amazon or eBay to get goods like large button phones or remotes.
  • Getting around. To get from A to B, there are services like the AccessBusSenior Pass and Shopmobility.
  • Adaptations to your home. Changes made to your home can make it easier to live in. This can be things like fitting lever taps, grab rails and handrails. To find out more about this, see: Adaptations for elderly and disabled people.
  • Moving and relocating. You can downsize your home or move closer to local services to have better access.

Loneliness and isolation

Getting out and about and meeting friends can lead to a more fulfilled life. You can:

  • Take up new activities and hobbies, see: Club or society.
  • Find out what is happening around you and take part, see: What's on guide.
  • Use befriending services like those offered by Age UK.
  • Attend a day centre for activities and companionship.

Purchasing care services

You can purchase services, other than those you are eligible for from the Council.

If you get services from other providers or people, you might want to enter into a contract. This should agree and set out terms and conditions, rights, expectations and duties in advance. With this, you and the provider will gain by knowing what to expect from each other.

It should be in writing and at least include:

  • Legal context. Name and address of you and the provider.
  • Services to be provided. To make sure your needs are met.
  • Lifestyle preferences. Likes, dislikes, physical and other things you prefer.
  • Trial period. During this time, a contract can be cancelled quickly, if it is not suitable.
  • Fees. Rate per hour/day, charges for extras and future increases.
  • Frequency, duration, time and punctuality of service provision.
  • Staff. Provision of suitably trained, skilled, experienced staff.
  • Insurance. Employers and public liability, malpractice and household.
  • What you are responsible for. Keeping your house and equipment in good, safe order.
  • Privacy and confidentiality. Take account of religion and culture.
  • Complaints. How to get things put right.
  • Ending the contract. Notice needed, other events ending contract.
  • Signatures. Of both parties.

To see a choice of care services, visit: Connect to Support Calderdale.

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