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Family Hubs Calderdale

Through these, we transform the way we deliver services for families across Calderdale.

A new network of Family Hubs in Calderdale will bring together support for you, your children and your family.

Access more services close to home to give babies, children and young people the best start in life.

Who they are for

Parents, carers, grandparents, babies, children, teenagers and young adults (the whole family).

When they offer support:

  • from conception;
  • during pregnancy;
  • and to families with children of all ages from 0 to 19 years old. (This is up to 25 for young people with SEND.)

What they offer

The same range of services and support that Children's Centres do, with the addition of new services, such as :

  • Help with feeding your baby.
  • A new service to support the mental health of new families.
  • Help with your child's development and more speech and language therapy.
  • A new programme to support dads.
  • More support from other families in your area and the chance to volunteer to support each other.
  • Easier access to health advice for the whole family.
  • A Family Hubs website with information and support for families.

Family Hubs in Calderdale

The first one was at the Jubilee centre (Central Halifax), opened in September 2023.

From April 2024, they will open in each of these areas of Calderdale.

  • North Halifax.
  • Lower Calder Valley.
  • Calder and Ryburn.
  • Upper Calder Valley.

Each hub will offer a network of services, support and activities for the local communities.

How to contact Family Hubs

  • In person at your local Family Hub building;
  • or visit the website: Family Hubs.

The Family Hub programme supports Council priorities and the goals in the Wellbeing Strategy:

All children are ready for school and young people have hope and aspiration.

We are one of 75 local authorities to get funding from the Department for Education to invest in Family Hubs. This is part of the Start for Life Programme.

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