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Reading for everyone

Find out some of the things we offer. These include: Health and Reading Well, accessible reading, books in other languages, events and reading with others.

Looking for something to read?

  • Visit one of our libraries and discover something new;
  • or take a virtual visit online to our collections without leaving your home!

As well as our standard collections of fiction, non-fiction, children's books and ebooks we also offer:

Health and Reading Well

Reading Well is brought to you by The Reading Agency. The collections are designed to help you to understand and manage your health and wellbeing using self-help reading. The scheme is endorsed by health professionals and supported by public libraries. Collections include:

  • Mental health.
  • Dementia.
  • Young people.

Accessible reading

Do not let impaired sight or hearing stop you from enjoying books. We offer:

  • Free to loan audio books on an MP3 device or CD.
  • Large print books.
  • E-audio and Ebooks (with adjustable settings) that you can listen to or read on your own device.

Books in other languages

Check our catalogue for books in the other languages.

Library events and reading with others

  • Book onto one of our events.
  • Join a reading group or set up your own.
  • Have a one-to-one chat to stimulate your reading!

To find out more, see: Library events.

Our catalogue

Search for all the books we have:

Online library catalogue

  • You can search the whole catalogue or part of it (for large print).
  • The advanced search lets you search for specific collections, such as books in different languages.

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