There are two types of building regulation application:
- Full Plans.
- Building Notices.
It is recommend that you make a full plan application as this will help builders give an accurate quote. It gives peace of mind and security that your plans have been checked and comply with regulations.
It may seem quicker to make a Building Notice application, but it could end up taking longer. It could also cost you more money as greater emphasis is on you to make sure your work complies with the Regulations. Our advice is not to do building work on a Building Notice unless the work is very small. For complex building work and for people not very experienced in construction, Building Notices should be avoided.
Not all buildings can be built under a Building Notice. Non-domestic premises (including common access routes in flats) need to be built on a Full Plans application because Calderdale Building Control Services need to consult with West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.
A Full Plans application and Building Notice application cost exactly the same so no financial incentive exists for making either application.
Full plans
To make a Full Plans application, fill in our application form. Select the 'full plans' option, submit it with drawings of the building work that show exactly what you are doing. We check the plans comply with the Building Regulations and issue a decision notice. This application is useful when borrowing money from a bank or building society to pay for the building work. Banks and building societies usually ask to see a decision notice before they will give you any money.
Your application should include:
- One copy of the completed application form:
- Two sets of your plans including a block plan. (One extra set is needed if the work is not domestic or consists of flats that share a common access.)
- The correct fee, see: Service Charges.
Building notice
This is the least common route and (unless the work is very simple) it is not advisable to take it.
To make a Building Notice application, please fill in our application form selecting the 'building notice' option and submit it with a site plan (or map at a scale of 1:1250).
Your application should include:
- One copy of the completed application form:
- Two sets of your plans (if available).
- The correct fee, see: Service Charges.
Depending on the type of work undertaken, plans and details of the work may be required when you choose to use the Building Notice method. If any plans are available it is recommended that these are included with the application.
It is important that you let us know before you start work on site, before you cover over:
- excavations;
- foundations;
- ground within the building;
- drains;
- or damp proof course.
Please note: Tell us when you start the work. You must also tell us when the work is complete or if the project is to be occupied.
It is also best to tell us about other construction stages of the project, such as:
- When the walls are finished.
- Steel beams are to be hidden.
- When the roof structure is complete.
- When insulation has been fitted and it is to be covered over, perhaps with a ceiling.
Electronic Building Regulation applications
To submit your application, see: Building control forms.
All drawings, calculations, etc can be sent with this electronic application form using a 'Zip' file facility. Instructions on how to use the WinZip programme are in section 9 of the electronic application form.
The plans will be checked within the normal timescale and you will be notified at various stages of the progress. Payment for the plan charge is made to our office, please contact: Building control services.