Paying planning fees online
You can pay your planning fees online using a credit/debit card.
Please note: You will need to have the planning reference and/or site address to hand. You will also need to know the fee amount that you are going to pay.
Planning Services fees are split into the following categories:
Planning application fees (including prior approvals)
These are set by National Government and can be viewed at National Planning Fees.
Please note if you submit your application online you will need to pay your fee to the Planning Portal. If you are submitting your application by email you can pay a planning fee online.
Discharge of conditions (including compliance checks)
When we grant a planning permission it is usually subject to conditions. Some of those conditions may have to be met (discharged)/complied with before the development can begin.
In addition we may be asked to confirm that conditions have been complied with. An application to either discharge conditions or check compliance is required.
Both application types attract a fee which is set by National Government and can be viewed at National Planning Fees.
Please note if you submit your application online you will need to pay your fee to the Planning Portal. If you are submitting your application by email you can pay a planning fee online.
Non-material amendment (NMA) applications
When planning permission has been granted there are occasions when small changes need to be made to the proposal. This is called a non-material amendment.
An application is required and a nationally set fee which can be viewed at National Planning Fees.
Please note if you submit your application online you will need to pay your fee to the Planning Portal. If you are submitting your application by email you can pay a planning fee online.
Pre application advice for major developments
If you are seeking advice about whether your proposal will get planning permission we offer pre application advice for major developments (DTAs).
You can see more details of what a major development is, what the service includes and the fee at: Will I Get Planning Permission.
You can pay a planning fee online.
Planning Performance Agreement (PPA)
A Planning Performance Agreement is a plan which is agreed to by an applicant/agent and the Local Planning Authority. This agreement details key milestones in the life of an application and the parties agree a timescale for these to be reached.
The fee is determined by the Local Planning Authority and agreed to by the applicant/agent.
Please contact if you would like to discuss the use of a PPA for your application.
Once a fee has been agreed you can pay a planning fee online.
Mineral fees monitoring
Operators of Mineral sites are required to pay for their site to be monitored by the Local Planning Authority between one (inactive) and up to eight times (active) per year.
The fees for this monitoring can be seen in: Fee regulations.
You can pay a planning fee online.
Determining complaints about high hedges
When an agreement cannot be reached between two parties about a hedge then a complaint can be made to the Council to assess.
Details of when this service can be used and what the fee is can be viewed at: Trees and hedges.
You can pay a planning fee online.
Enforcement notice appeal fees
If you have been served with a Planning Enforcement Notice you have the right to appeal against it to the Planning Inspectorate.
Details of how to do this can be found in the Governments Procedural Guide.
If you appeal on Ground A you have to pay a fee. This fee should be detailed on your Enforcement Notice.
You can pay a planning fee online.