Pupils with special educational needs will be admitted where this school is named on their Education Health and Care Plan.
If applications exceed the planned admission number (PAN), this criteria is used to decide which children are offered places:
Year 7 Admission criteria
- Children looked after and children previously looked after. (For a definition, please see: Glossary - Looked after children.)
- Those children who attend the primary schools of St John's CE (VA) Primary (Clifton), St Andrew's CE (VA) Junior, Trinity Academy St Chad's and Withinfields Primary.
- Those children who have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of their admission and residing at the same address.
- The child(ren) of staff working at the School. "Staff" for this purpose are defined as anyone employed by the School who has a permanent contract with the School at the time the application for the admission of their child(ren) is under consideration.
- Children will then be admitted in the order of the proximity of the child's home address to the school.
- Children looked after and children previously looked after. (For a definition, please see: Glossary - Looked after children.)
- Children who attend the primary schools of St John's CE (VA) Primary (Clifton), St Andrew's CE (VA) Junior, Trinity Academy St Chad's, Withinfields Primary and All Saints CE Primary School (Halifax).
- Children whose siblings currently attend the school and who will continue to do so on the date of admission. "Sibling" is defined as a full or half brother or sister; a step brother or sister; an adoptive brother or sister; the children of parents living together in the same family household. The elder sibling must still be on roll at the academy when the younger child starts at the school. For example, sibling applications will only be accepted for siblings of students in years 7 to 10.
- The child(ren) of staff working at the school. "Staff" for this purpose are defined as anyone employed by the school who has a permanent contract with the school at the date of the deadline of the application for the admission of their child(ren) in Year 7 (usually October 31st).
- Children will then be admitted in the order of the proximity of the child's home address to the school.
You may also be interested in ...
- The planned admission number, see: Admission process - Secondary PANs.
- The way we measure proximity, see: Admissions - Proximity.