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Brooksbank School

Year 7 Admission Arrangements.

Pupils with special educational needs will be admitted where this school is named on their Education Health and Care Plan.

If applications exceed the planned admission number (PAN), this criteria is used to decide which children are offered places:


  1. Children looked after and children previously looked after. (For a definition, please see: Glossary - Looked after children.)
  2. Children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
  3. Pupils of All Saints CE (VA) J & I, Bowling Green Primary, Cross Lane Primary, Elland CE (VA) J & I, Holywell Green Primary, Old Earth, St Patrick’s Catholic Primary, The Greetland Academy and West Vale Academy.
  4. Those pupils who have a brother or sister (or step/half brothers or sisters) permanently resident in the same household and currently attending the school (this excludes those pupils in their final year (Year 11) and those in the Sixth Form).
  5. Children of staff at the school. "Staff" for this purpose are defined as anyone employed by the school who has a permanent contract with the school at the date of the deadline for Year 7 admissions applications relating to the child in question (usually 31st October in the year before the child would start in Year 7).
  6. Children who have a particular aptitude for sport. Allocations under this criterion will be limited to up to 10% of the planned admission limit. Parents must complete a separate application form for consideration under this category. This must be returned to the school by the deadline set by the school. Parents must also have expressed a preference for The Brooksbank School on the Local Authority’s online application form. Applicants under this criterion will be invited to attend a session where their sporting aptitude will be assessed. All those who are above the minimum standard in the test will be submitted (in ranked order) for consideration under this criterion in the allocation process.
  7. Children will then be admitted in the order of the proximity of the child's home address to the school.

In the event of calculated distances for two or more pupils being equal, a tie-breaker based on Calderdale MBC Admissions Section random allocation system will be applied.

If there is oversubscription within any category, the next criterion would be applied (except for sporting criterion, which is based on the rankings in the sporting aptitude test).


  1. Children who are in public care (Looked After). This includes children who ceased to be looked after because they were adopted or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order within the regulations set out by the School Admission Code 2021. This includes children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and have ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted. (The Governors will adopt the same criteria used by the LA)
  2. Pupils of All Saints Primary, Bowling Green Primary, Cross Lane Primary, Elland CE (VA) J&I, Holywell Green Primary, Old Earth Primary, St Patrick’s Catholic Primary, The Greetland Academy and West Vale Primary schools
  3. Children who have a brother/sister (including step brother/sister living at the same address) who at the time of application is on roll and is expected to be attending the school when the younger sibling starts.
  4. Children of staff at the school. “Staff” for this purpose are defined as anyone employed at the school who has a permanent contract with the school at the date of the deadline for Year 7 admissions applications relating to the child in question (usually 31st October in the year before the child would start in Year 7)
  5. Children who have a particular aptitude for sport. Allocations under this criterion will be limited to up to 10% of the planned admission limit. Parents must complete a separate application form for consideration under this category. This must be returned to the school by the deadline set by the school. Parents must also have expressed a preference for the Brooksbank School on the online application form. Applicants under this criterion will be invited to attend a session where their sporting aptitude will be assessed. All those who are above the minimum standard in the test will be submitted (in ranked order) for consideration under this criterion in the allocation process
  6. Pupils attending a Together Learning Trust primary school.
  7. Proximity to a child’s home to school as measured by the ‘straight line’ method (direct distance) as defined by the Local Authority’s Geographical Information System (GIS), from the front entrance of the school.

Tie Breaker 

If in categories 1-7 above a tie-break is necessary to determine which child is admitted, the child living closest to the school will be given priority for admission. Distance is measured from the child’s home to the front gates of the school in a straight line.

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