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Rastrick High School

Year 7 Admission Arrangements for September 2024 and 2025.

Pupils will be admitted where this school is named on their Education Health and Care Plan.

If applications exceed the planned admission number (PAN), this criteria is used to decide which children are offered places:


  1. Children looked after and children previously looked after. (For a definition, please see: Glossary - Looked after children.)
  2. Children of staff who work at Rastrick High School. Staff for this purpose are defined as anyone employed by the school who has a permanent contract with the school at the date of the deadline for Year 7 admissions applications relating to the child in question (usually 31st October in the year before the child would start in Year 7).
  3. Feeder schools - Those pupils who attend the Primary schools: Carr Green Primary, Field Lane Primary, Salterhebble Junior and Infants School, Northowram Junior and Infants School, Longroyde Primary School, Copley Primary School, Woodhouse Primary School, Fixby Junior and Infant School and Salterlee Primary School.
  4. Pupils who have a brother or sister (including step/half brothers and sisters) permanently resident in the same household and are currently attending the school and who will be at school at the start of the academic year.
  5. Children who are residents in the defined Rastrick High School catchment area.
  6. Children will then be admitted in the order of proximity of the child’s home address to the school.


  1. Children looked after and children previously looked after. (For a definition, please see: Glossary - Looked after children.)
  2. Children of staff who work at Rastrick High School. Staff for this purpose are defined as anyone employed by the school who has a permanent contract with the school at the date of the deadline for Year 7 admissions applications relating to the child in question (usually 31st October in the year before the child would start in Year 7).
  3. Pupils who have a brother or sister (including step/half brothers and sisters) permanently resident in the same household and are currently attending the school and who will be at school at the start of the academic year.
  4. Children who have a particular aptitude for music. Allocations under this criterion will be limited to 15 places and applications must be supported by evidence. A supplementary application form must be completed to apply under this criterion, which is available from Rastrick High School.
  5. Feeder schools - Those pupils who attend the Primary schools: Carr Green Primary, Field Lane Primary, Salterhebble Junior and Infants School, Northowram Junior and Infants School, Longroyde Primary School, Copley Primary School, Woodhouse Primary School, Salterlee Primary School, Siddal Primary School and Fixby Junior and Infant School.
  6. Children who are residents in the defined Rastrick High School catchment area.
  7. Children will then be admitted in the order of proximity of the child’s home address to the school.

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