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Electoral register

Find out about the Electoral Register and Open Register in Calderdale.

The electoral register lists the name and address of everyone who has registered to vote in Calderdale. A revised register is published yearly on 1st December and is updated on the first working day of each month.

This allows anyone who has moved into or within the Borough to update their registration details. If you are no longer entitled to be registered to vote at an address in Calderdale, please contact Electoral Services.

By law, the Electoral Registration Officer has to make the register available for anyone to look at, in person, under supervision. Copies may not be taken of the electoral register, but you can make handwritten notes.

The register is held at:

Two versions of the register

Registration officers keep two registers. These are the electoral register and the open register (also known as the edited register).

Why we keep two registers

In the past, anyone could buy a copy of the register, but the law has changed. You now have some choice about who can buy details of your name and address.

When you register, you can choose if you want your name and address included in the open register.

For details of how to register, see: Register to vote.

Electoral Register

This lists the names and addresses of everyone who is registered to vote in public elections.

It is used for electoral purposes, such as making sure only eligible people can vote. For more about this, see: How to vote.

Candidates and political parties can also use the electoral register for campaigning or checking donations.

The register is used for other limited purposes specified in law:

  • To call people for jury service.
  • To check applications for credit.
  • The prevention and detection of crime and enforcement of the criminal law.

It is a criminal offence for anyone to supply or use the register for anything not defined in legislation.

The personal data in the register must be processed in line with data protection law.

Copies of the electoral register are also held by:

Open Register

This is an extract of the electoral register. It is not used for elections and it can be purchased any body for purposes such as marketing.

Your name and address will be included in this register unless you ask for them to be removed. If you do remove your details it does not affect your right to vote or your credit report.

To check if you are on the register or to be removed from it: Contact Electoral Services.

Local Government Act 2000

Metropolitan Borough of Calderdale - The Local Authorities (Referendums) (Petitions) (England) Regulations 2011.

Notice of Verification Number

Notice is given, in accordance with the above Regulations. The number is equal to 5% of local government electors for the Calderdale MBC area. As shown in the register of electors for the period ending on 15th February 2024 is: 7,529.

The number published above will be used to determine the validity of petitions presented to the Council. This is for the 12 month period that begins 1st April 2023, in respect of constitutional arrangements for the discharge of functions under Part II of the Local Government Act 2000.

A new number will be published in February 2025. If this number is less than 7,529, the new number will be used for verification purposes. This will be for any petition submitted to the Council, in the period beginning on the date of the publication of this lesser number and ending on 31st March 2025.

Robin Tuddenham (Chief Executive).

Town Hall, Halifax. HX1 1UJ.

Dated: 15th February 2024.

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