It will:
- Allocate land for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople, to meet their accommodation needs up to 2040.
- Include site allocation policies.
Regulation 18 consultation
Options Document
This is the first stage when we prepare a DPD.
Cabinet approved a six week public consultation on 3rd June 2024. This ran from Friday 12th July (10am) to Monday 26th August (5pm) 2024.
To view the comments received, visit our consultation portal.
We will review the comments and produce a preferred options document. In early 2025, there will be a public consultation on this document which will propose sites for allocation.
Call for Sites
This has now closed. We will assess the sites submitted and consider them for allocation.
To view printed copies of the Options Document and supporting Sustainability Appraisal, go in person to: