On 22nd March 2023, the Council adopted the Calderdale Local Plan. This replaces the Replacement Calderdale Unitary Development Plan that was adopted in August 2006.
- It provides a framework for guiding planning decisions.
- It establishes where new jobs, homes and services will be located.
- Its policies:
- guide investment and development while safeguarding the natural/historic environment;
- enables adaptation to climate change;
- and helps secure high quality design.
Adoption documents:
- Calderdale Local Plan 2018/19 to 2032/33 – Written Statement.
- Calderdale Local Plan 2018/19 to 2032/33 – Appendix 1 Site Allocations.
- Calderdale Local Plan 2018/19 to 2032/33 – Appendix 1 Site Allocations.
The plan also has an online policies map.
Hard copies of the plan and other documents can be viewed at Calderdale Libraries and Customer First.
Timetable for the preparation of the Local Plan
It is recommend that councils have a single Local Plan by:
This covers the strategic policy framework and what land is allocated for development and providing a clearer link between them.
Calderdale is in the process of creating a single Local plan. The Local Plan Examination hearings took place in four stages and concluded in January 2022. The Council is now progressing to the modifications stage, with the Local Plan expected to be adopted in September 2022.
The formal Local Development Scheme (LDS), setting out the timeline, was ratified by Council on 21st June 2018. It was then brought into effect right away.
For more about this, please read:
Timeline for the creation of the Calderdale Local Plan
When | What | Dates and Milestones |
January 2018 | Council approval of revised LDS and resolution that "it will have effect" from an agreed date. | 31st January |
February 2018 | Further Consideration by Cabinet including potential housing sites. | 12th February |
June 2018 | Consideration of Publication version of the Local Plan by Cabinet and Council. | Cabinet 11th June
Council 21st June |
August to October 2018 | Regulation 19 Consultation on Publication Local Plan (6 week Consultation). | 10th August to 1st October |
October to December 2018 | Handling Representations and preparation for Submission to Secretary of State. | October to December |
Early 2019 | Submission of Local Plan and supporting evidence and document to Secretary of State. | Submitted Friday 11th January |
October 2020 to January 2022 | Public Examination of the Local Plan before an independent Planning Inspector. | Examination commences at Submission |
March 2022 | Inspector's Post Hearing Letter. | 21st March |
August/October 2022 | Consultation on Main Modifications. | 12th August to 7th October |
October 2022 | Submit compilation of Representations on Main Modifications to Inspector. | 7th October |
January 2023 | Inspector's Report – subject to Inspector's timetable. | 26th January |
March 2023 | Adoption of Local Plan by full council. | 22nd March |
Local Plan Publication Draft
The Council consulted on the Local Plan Publication Draft between August and October 2018.
To view the documents and map, please visit: Local Plan consultations.
Local Plan Initial Draft
We consulted on the Local Plan Initial Draft in August 2017. The consultation raised over 10,000 individual comments. They are online to view against the sites or policies through Local plan consultations.
The documents for this consultation were:
- Local Plan - Initial Draft : This is the full text of draft policy and reasoning for the policies.
- Policies map: This shows where policies apply on a map of Calderdale. You can see the potential allocations for new housing, employment, open space and other designations on this map.
- Sustainability Appraisal of the Local Plan - Initial Draft 2017 : This sets out the required sustainability appraisal of the Local Plan. This includes strategic environmental assessment.
- Habitats Regulations Assessment : This sets out the required appraisal of the plan. It is in relation to the important habitats formed by parts of the Pennine Moors.
Potential sites and other aspects of the Local Plan
We consulted on the Potential sites and other aspects of the Local Plan in Autumn 2015. The consultation raised over 5000 individual comments.
The document for this consultation was: Potential sites and other aspects of the Local Plan. This explores the potential site allocations for the Local Plan and provides draft polices and reasoning for a number of developing policy areas.
The comments made specifically in relation to sites can be viewed on the Local Plan Consultation Portal.
Core strategy
This has provided the strategic policy context for development within Calderdale. Its creation has included several consultation stages:
2008 - 2009
The initial phase of community engagement took place between November 2008 and January 2009:
The Core strategy was revised and a second phase of community engagement took place between January and March 2011:
The final consultation phase was between October and December 2012, please read:
Land allocations and designations
The new Local Plan will identify sites to be developed or protected from development. This includes:
- housing;
- employment;
- retailing;
- minerals and waste;
- open spaces, sports and recreation facilities;
- community uses;
- green belt;
- environmental protection areas.
The Local Plan policies map shows these allocations and designations, like the Replacement Calderdale UDP mapping.
All allocations and designations are assessed and consulted on, before being proposed. A Site allocations assessment is used to assesses each one against a range of suitability criteria. This is to ensure they are available, achievable and deliverable.
To view the methodology used to assess sites within the ‘Local Plan – Initial Draft’, read:
The above methodology supersedes the Site Allocations Assessment Methodology (April 2015). This was previously used to assess sites within ‘Potential Sites and other aspects of the Local Plan’.
Note: The methodology has been refined to reflect feedback from a range of statutory consultees. This makes sure we are using a robust, tried and tested methodology. It will then guarantees that the most appropriate sites have been chosen for allocation.
Submissions of potential sites are still welcomed ("Call for sites"). These will be assessed in the next review of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA), see: Site submissions.
Early engagement workshops
These were held through February and March 2014, across Calderdale.
Almost 500 people discussed the list of site allocations and designations, giving feedback on their views, before and after workshops.
For more information on the reasons for these workshops and their format, read:
The maps and comments from each workshop can be seen in the table below:
Event location | Map and comments |
Brighouse |
Elland |
Halifax |
Hebden Bridge |
Mytholmroyd |
Ryburn |
Shelf |
Sowerby Bridge |
Todmorden |
Local Plan Examination Library
Documentation submitted to the Secretary of State. This includes all evidence to support the Local Plan. To view these files, please see: Examination library.
Local Development Scheme (LDS)
The publication of an LDS is required under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. This sets out the timetable for making Development Plan Documents.
Our updated LDS also includes details on Supplementary Planning Documents we are preparing and information on Neighbourhood Plans.
The updated LDS was approved by full council on 29th November 2023. To view this, please visit: Local Development Scheme 2023.
Keep in touch
We can keep you informed on the progress of the Local Plan by email.
To do this, please register, visit: Consultation Portal.
For more about the Local Plan, please contact the Spatial Planning Team:
Planning Services:
- Address: Planning Services, Town Hall, Crossley Street, Halifax. HX1 1UJ.
- Email: spatial.planning@calderdale.gov.uk.