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Evidence base

Find documents here that underpin the Local Plan.

Overview of the evidence base:

  • Duty to Cooperate

    The Duty to Cooperate is a legal requirement.

  • Employment

    The Employment Land Study (final report 2018) and the Employment Technical Paper give technical analysis and assessments. These show the need for new employment land and how policies in the Local Plan will provide for new jobs.

  • Environment

    Reviews of green belt, habitats, landscape character, energy developments, flood risk and waste.

  • Health and Wellbeing

    Evidence relating to the links between Health and the Local Plan, including hot-food takeaways.

  • Historic environment

    Contains the methodology for undertaking Heritage Impact Assessments for the Local Plan site allocations.

  • Homes

    Brownfield Land Register, The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA). Also self-build/custom house build, gypsy/traveller communities, Housing Market Statement and guidance on affordable housing.

  • Infrastructure

    Assessment of the infrastructure in Calderdale, including: roads, schools, open spaces and utilities provision. Also, the Leeds City Region Green Infrastructure Strategy.

  • Open space

    Covering: open space, sport/recreation strategy and action plan and local green space designation.

  • Overall planning matters

    Includes: Spatial atlas and the Settlement hierarchy.

  • Site Allocations

    This sets out the methodology undertaken to assess sites and the results of those assessments.

  • Sustainability Appraisal

    This sets out the required Sustainability Appraisal of the Local Plan.

  • Town centres

    Looking at retail in Calderdale's town centres. Provides analysis of existing retail and leisure facilities and how future proposals, economic and environmental issues will affect them.

  • Transport

    Assessment of the transport infrastructure and how future development could impact on it.

  • Viability

    Assessment of the viability of policies and sites.


For more about any of the above, please get in touch:

Planning Services:

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