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What goes in my bins, bags and boxes?

What to recycle and a guide about your containers.

In Calderdale, recycling is collected weekly and waste is collected every two weeks.

Collection day finder

Request a wheelie bin, recycling container, sacks or liners

Make your Metals Matter

Put two extra cans in your white recycling sack. You will save enough energy to run a computer for up to 12 hours.

What happens to the metal we recycle? It can be used to make cans, electricals, even a bus and many other things.

For more about this, read:

Watch videos to find out more about recycling your metals:

Make your metals matter - Recycle foil and aerosols in your white sack every week

Your bins, bags and boxes

The containers you need are:

  • A recycling box.
  • Two brown food caddies (one large and one small) and a roll of caddy liners.
  • A green bag.
  • A white sack.
  • A wheelie bin or standard bin bags.
  • Textiles (clean clothes, bedding, towels and such) can be placed into a carrier bag.

If you do not have all of these containers, please use:

Request new or replacement bins, bags or boxes

What is collected and when?

The table below tells you what items can be recycled and which containers to put them in.

Container type Material(s)
Black recycling box

Glass bottles and jars, brown / corrugated cardboard, small electrical items

Collected weekly

Yes please…

  • Drinks bottles, sauce and food jars and any clear, green, brown or blue glass bottles and containers. Please rinse these.
  • Brown/corrugated cardboard. Please remove any plastic packaging and flatten card so it fits into or under your box.
  • Small electrical items, such as: kettles and irons. Please put these in a carrier bag in or next to your box.

No thanks…

  • Broken glass, can be wrapped carefully and placed in your refuse bin.
  • Crockery and Pyrex.
  • Cans, need to go in your white sack.
Brown recycling caddy

Cooked or uncooked food waste

Collected weekly

Yes please…

  • Meat, vegetables, cereals, bread, rice, pasta, peelings, bones and similar. Please only use the caddy liners provided, no plastic bags or packaging. If you need a new roll of liners, please order online or leave a note for the crew.

No thanks…

  • Pet food or animal waste.
White recycling sack

Plastic bottles, pots, tubs, trays, food tins, drink cans, aerosols, foil and foil trays

Please note: Do not put any waste from your lateral flow test kits into your recycling. This waste should be placed in a bag and put in your bin.

Note: There are numbers on most plastic bottles that indicate their type of plastic. Our collection scheme just requires any plastic bottle, tub or tray, regardless of its number.

Collected weekly

Yes please…

  • Empty aerosols (deodorant, hairspray and such)
  • Foil and foil trays (please rinse)
  • Any food tins and drinks cans. Please rinse and flatten these.
  • Any plastic bottle which held a liquid. (Like milk, drinks, detergent, cleaning fluid, shampoo and such.) We also want your plastic bottle lids. Please take them off the bottle and put in the bag loose.
  • Pots, tubs and trays. (Such as those used for yoghurt, margarine/butter, fruit punnets and plastic food trays.) If washing raw meat containers before recycling them:
    • Rinse carefully in warm soapy water;
    • limit any “spray” of water;
    • then thoroughly sanitise your hands and surrounding counter tops.

No thanks…

  • Any other types of plastic packaging, such as: polystyrene trays, plastic film, rigid plastics (like plant pots and children's toys).
Green recycling sack

Newspapers and magazines, thin card, cartons (tetrapak)

Collected weekly

Yes please…

  • Newspapers, magazines, brochures, office paper, junk mail (remove plastic wrapping), phone directories, catalogues, thin card (cereal packets, food packaging sleeves and toilet roll holders) and similar.
  • Food and drink cartons, known as Tetrapak. Please rinse and flatten these.

No thanks…

  • Hardback books, brown/corrugated or thick cardboard.
Carrier bag for textiles


Please put any clean textiles that you would like recycled, neatly into a separate carrier bag.

Collected weekly

Yes please…

  • Any unwanted textiles, such as: clothes, blankets, bedding, shoes (pairs only and tie laces together) and curtains.

No thanks…

  • Duvets, cushions/pillows or any dirty items.
Black wheelie bin

Household waste (not recycling)

Collected every other week

Refuse like packaging, nappies, animal waste, Hoover dust and such can be placed in your wheelie bin. (If your house is not issued with a wheelie bin, up to 4 standard bin bags.)

To check your collection days, see: Collection day finder.

Please note: Waste from lateral flow test kits should be placed in a bag and put in your bin.

How to use your food caddies

We give you two food waste caddies:

  • A small 7 litre caddy for indoors (and some compostable liners).
  • A larger 25 litre caddy for outdoors.

For more about this, please see: Food waste.

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