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Our service standards

Here you can find the Highways Team service standards.

The Highways Team is required to maintain adopted roads and pavements. This is to make sure that they are safe to use.

We will

  • Make safe dangerous defects within 24 hours.
  • Repair other serious defects within 14 days.
  • Regularly inspect all our roads and pavements.
  • Clear out roadside gullies and drains.
  • Start gritting major roads when snowfall or heavy frost is forecast.
  • Weed spray roads and pavements throughout the year with safe chemicals.
  • Keep the grass cut short on urban highway verges.
  • Keep the grass cut short at sight lines on rural highways verges.

You can help us by

  • Reporting any damage, vandalism or theft.
  • Not damaging pavements by parking on them.
  • Keeping trees and hedges trimmed to avoid overhanging.
  • Not obstructing pavements with commercial displays.
  • Taking care not to block roadside gullies. For example, when swilling out concrete mixers.

We do not

  • Repair water leaks. Please report these to Yorkshire Water, phone: 0845 1242429.
  • Look after the motorways. Please contact A One+ Integrated Highway Services, phone: 0300 1235000.
  • Maintain private roads.

If you are unhappy

If you have not had this level of service or are unhappy with the above content, please contact us:

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