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Here you can find information and support for carers in Calderdale.

Carers spend a vast amount of their lives giving unpaid support to family or friends. This can be for someone who is ill, frail, disabled, has mental health or substance misuse problems.

Please note: You do not have to be living with the person you care for to get our support.

For help and support, please contact: Gateway to Care or see: Carers Wellbeing Service.

Claiming Carer's Allowance - For more details, see: Can you claim Carer's Allowance?.

Carer's Needs Assessments - For more details, see: Carer's Assessment.

Young carers

Anyone can become a carer. Carers come from all walks of life, all cultures and can be of any age. For more about this, please see: Young carers.

Unique Ways

Unique Ways is a parent led organisation that offers support. It has a range of services to help parents and carers of children with extra needs. For more about this, contact:

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