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Local Plan examination library

Find evidence used to supports our Local Plan here.

The Local Plan was adopted by the council on Wednesday 22nd March.

Local Plan: Inspector's Report

The independent Planning Inspector, Miss Katie Child B.Sc. (Hons) MA MRTPI, was appointed by the Secretary of State for the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to examine the draft Local Plan.

The Council received the Inspector's Final Report on 26th January.

Final Inspector's Report in to the Examination of the Calderdale Local Plan:

Accessible documents

Examination documents can be provided in OpenDocument Text or another format if needed.

If you want one, contact the Programme Officer:

Inspector's documents (INS)



Documents from the Council (CC)

CC 31 - Potential modifications to the draft Local Plan following the receipt of the Planning Inspector's post-stage 1 hearings letter:

 CC 32 - Minutes of the Cabinet meeting - 14th October 2019

CC 36 - Habitats Regulations Assessment: Recreational Use and Urban Edge Impacts Update, November 2019 - Report Reflecting Extra Housing Supply:

CC 37 - Potential Sites - considered and rejected, November 2019:

CC 39 - Calderdale Local Plan – Housing Requirement Update and Potential Supply, January 2020

CC 49 - Interactive Map of Minor Boundary Changes to Green Belt

CC 52:

CC 52a (includes amendment from Woodhouse Residents Association):

CC 54 - Castle Hill Setting Study

CC54/1 - Castle Hill Setting Study (Chapter 8, Figures 1 -3)

CC54/2 - Castle Hill Setting Study (Chapter 8, Figures 4 -7)

CC54/3 - Castle Hill Setting Study (Chapter 8, Figures 8-11)

CC54/4 - Castle Hill Setting Study (Chapter 8, Figures 12 -14)

CC54/5 - Castle Hill Setting Study (Chapter 8, Figures 15 -17)

CC54/6 - Castle Hill Setting Study (Chapter 9)

CC54/7 - Castle Hill Setting Study (Appendices)

CC 77 - Sustainability Appraisal

CC 146 - Sustainability Appraisal - Policy Options and Filtered Sites

CC 166 - Assumptions in the viability work, with regards to Part L of the Building Regulations:

See OTH09 for CVNFs late evidence on roof tax:

CC 171 - Response to Matter 17 Hearing Session on the Elland Housing Allocations, with regards to the Council’s Transport Evidence Base:

Modifications documents (MD)

Consultation closed on Friday 21st October 2022 (5pm).

Please note: All Representations made during the consultation period will be submitted to the Planning Inspector for consideration.

The Council consulted on the Main Modifications of the Local Plan from:

  • Friday 12th August until Friday 21st October 2022 (5pm).

These are changes what the Inspector considers are needed to make the plan sound and/or legally compliant. This includes amendments to policy wording and supporting text, as well as to some site allocations and designations.

The Inspector will only consider comments made on the Main Modifications. This consultation is not a chance to raise matters about other parts of the Plan.

To comment

Supporting Documents

SD01.1 Main modifications to the Publication version of the Local Plan (August 2018)

SD01.2 Main Modifications to the Publication version of the Local Plan Appendix 1 'Sites Allocations Supporting Information' (August 2018) - updated September 2022.

SD02 Modifications to the Policies Map

SD03.3 Local Plan Main Modifications Sustainability Appraisal:

Local Plan Main Modifications Habitats Regulations Assessment Statement

Minor modifications include clarifications, corrections and minor updates to text. These changes do not relate to the soundness of the plan and are provided for information only. Should readers consider there may be factual errors these may be brought to the Council's attention. Comments received on the minor modifications will not be forwarded to the Inspector.

SD01.1 Local Plan Minor Modifications to the Publication version of the Local Plan (August 2018)

SD01.2 Minor Modifications to the Publication version of the Local Plan Appendix 1 'Sites Allocations Supporting Information' (August 2018)

Copies of all documents and comment forms are available at Calderdale libraries during the consultation period.

For further details, please contact the Council:


Examination Hearing Statements - Stage 1 and 2 (HS)

Hearing Agendas - Stage 2 (HA2)

Submission documents (SD)

SD 01.1 Calderdale Council - Calderdale Local Plan Publication Draft 2018 (

SD 01.1a Calderdale Local Plan – written statement (Publication Draft) (PDF version)

SD 01.2 Calderdale Council - Calderdale Local Plan Publication Draft - Appendix 1 (

SD 01.2a Calderdale Local Plan: Appendix 1 – Site Allocations Supporting Information (Publication Draft) (PDF version)

SD 02 Policies Map(s) (Publication Draft)

SD 02a Policies Map(s) (Publication Draft) (PDF version)

SD 03.1 Sustainability Appraisal (2017)

SD 03.1a Sustainability Appraisal (2017) (PDF version)

SD 03.2 Sustainability Appraisal Update (2018)

SD 03.2a Sustainability Appraisal Update (2018) (PDF version)

SD 04.1 Consultation Statement

SD 04.2 Consultation Statement - Appendix 8

SD 05 Representations made to the Publication Draft of the Local Plan

SD 06 Local Development Scheme (2018)

SD 07 Statement of Community Involvement (2016)

SD 08 Authority Monitoring Report (2019)

(Also listed as CC71)

Previous consultation documents (PC)

PC 01.1 Local Plan Initial Draft 2017

PC 01.2 Local Plan Initial Draft 2017 Policies Map

PC 01.3 Sustainability Appraisal of the Local Plan Initial Draft 2017

PC 01.4 Local Plan Initial Draft Habitat Regulations Assessment

PC 01.5 Representations Received on Local Plan Initial Draft 2017

PC 01.6 Potential Sites and other aspects of the Local Plan 2015

PC 02.1 Core Strategy Preferred Options 2012

PC 02.2 Reasons for Policies 2012

PC 02.3 Core Strategy Sustainability Appraisal Report 2012

PC 05 Land Allocations and Designations Early Engagement Workshops 2014

PC 05.19 Local Plan Publication Draft Map

Evidence documents (EV)

EV 08.12 Parcel Findings – Calderdale Maps Online

EV 28 Heritage Impact Assessments (2018):

Site Specific Supporting Evidence – Allocations (SS)

Examination Hearing Statements - Stage 1 and 2 (HS)

Matter 5 - Employment need and supply (HS5)

Matter 6 - Travellers (HS6)

Matter 8 - Growth delivery, infrastructure and viability (HS8)

HS8.1 Growth Delivery, Infrastructure and Viability Statement - Calderdale Council

HS8.2 Diocese of Leeds (Sanderson Weatherall)

HS8.3 Councillor Paul Bellenger (Stainland and Greetland Ward Councillor)

HS8.4 Lyndsey Ashton

HS8.5 Dr Andy McElligott

HS8.6 Avant Homes (McLoughlin Planning)

HS8.7 Persimmon Homes WY (Lichfields)

HS8.8 Woodhouse Residents Association (Carol Deol French/Julie Bullen)

HS8.8a Appendix 1 WRA Representors and IDs

HS8.8b Appendix 2 GS Transport Assessment

HS8.8c Appendix 6 Transport Evidence Base Review

HS8.8d Appendix 7 Highways England Scoping Response

HS8.9 Thornhill Estates (ID Planning)

HS8.10 Bretton Family, Hartley Family, Mrs Caine, Harron Homes (ID Planning)

HS8.11 Craig Whittaker MP

HS8.12 Home Builders Federation (Joanne Harding)

HS8.13 Mark Baxendale (IOP Consulting)

HS8.14 CPRE (Andrew Wood)

HS8.15 Greetland Norland and West Vale Neighbourhood Planning (Mr Edward Greenwood)

HS8.16 Mr Mark & Mrs Amanda Tattersall

HS8.17 F O E (Mr Anthony Rae)

HS8.17a Appendix 1 A629 Traffic Screenshot

HS8.17b Appendix 2 Air Quality Emissions Strategy

HS8.17c Appendix 3 Shelf and Northowram Traffic

HS8.18 F O E (Mr Anthony Rae)

HS8.19 Keyland Developments Ltd (Spawforths Ltd)

HS8.20 Clifton Village Neighbourhood Forum (NLJ Consulting Ltd)

HS8.20a Review of Thornhills Garden Suburn Transport Assessment

HS8.21 Barratt Homes & David Wilson Homes (Barton Willmore)

HS8.22 Highstone Homes (Johnson Mowat)

HS8.23 Shelf and Northowram Local Plan Forum (Brian Crossley)

HS8.24 Councillor Sophie Whittaker & Councillor Regan Dickenson

HS8.25 Councillor George Robinson

Matter 12 - Site assessment process and the Green Belt (HS12)

HS12.1 Site Assessment Process and the Green Belt Statement - Calderdale Council

HS12.1a Addendum to Calderdale Council Site Assessment Process and the Green Belt Statement

HS12.2 Lyndsey Ashton

HS12.3 Environment Agency

HS12.4 Avant Homes (McLoughlin Planning)

HS12.5 Persimmon Homes WY (Lichfields)

HS12.6 Woodhouse Residents Association (Carol Deol French/Julie Bullen)

HS12.6a Appendix 1 WRA Representors and IDs

HS12.7 Martin Walsh Architectural (ID Planning)

HS12.8 Thornhill Estates (ID Planning)

HS12.9 Bretton Family, Hartley Family, Mrs Caine, Harron Homes (ID Planning)

HS12.10 Old Brodleians Rugby Club (Sheppard Planning (ex Turley))

HS12.11 Mark Baxendale (IOP Consulting)

HS12.12 Kevin Whittam (DPP Planning)

HS12.13 CPRE (Andrew Wood)

HS12.14 Greetland Norland and West Vale Neighbourhood Planning (Mr Edward Greenwood)

HS12.15 Mr Mark & Mrs Amanda Tattersall

HS12.16 F O E (Mr Anthony Rae)

HS12.17 Keyland Developments Ltd (Spawforths Ltd)

HS12.18 Clifton Village Neighbourhood Forum (NLJ Consulting Ltd)

HS12.19 Mr Nicholas Harrison (D5 Planning)

HS12.19a Appendix 1 Heritage Statement

HS12.20 Countryside Properties (Barton Willmore)

HS12.21 Stonebridge Homes (Barton Willmore)

HS12.22 Barratt Homes & David Wilson Homes (Barton Willmore)

HS12.23 Mr & Mrs Hill-Wood

HS12.24 Shelf and Northowram Local Plan Forum (Brian Crossley)

HS12.25 Strata Home (Quod)

HS12.26 Mr Iain Crouch (Philip S Ryley & Co)

HS12.26a Appendix 1 LP1404 Site Assessment

HS12.27 Mr & Mrs Wade

HS12.27a Appendix 1 Sawrij Site Submission Form

HS12.27b Appendix 5 Whitcher Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey

HS12.28 Mr Michael Ellis

HS12.28.1 Mr Michael Ellis

HS12.28.2 Mr Michael Ellis

HS12.28.3 Mr Michael Ellis

HS12.28.4 Mr Michael Ellis

HS12.28.5 Mr Michael Ellis

HS12.28.6 Mr Michael Ellis

HS12.29 David Gibson (John Carlon)

HS12.29a Appendix 1 Letter From John Carlon

HS12.30 Henryk Peterson


Matter 15 - Garden Suburbs (HS15)

HS15.1 Garden Suburbs Statement - Calderdale Council

HS15.2 Mr & Mrs Jagger (Assent Planning Ltd)

HS15.3 Dr Andy McElligott

HS15.4 Persimmon Homes WY (Lichfields)

HS15.5 Woodhouse Residents Association (Carol Deol French/Julie Bullen)

HS15.5a Question H only

HS15.5b Appendix 1 WRA Representors

HS15.5c Appendix 2 GS's Transport Assessment

HS15.5d Appendix 3 Flooding Issues

HS15.5e Appendix 4 Woodhouse Parking issues

HS15.5f Appendix 5 Woodhouse Traffic Calming Locations

HS15.5g Appendix 6 Transport Evidence Base Review

HS15.5h Appendix 7 Highways England Scoping Response

HS15.6 Thornhill Estates (ID Planning)

HS15.6a Appendix 1 TL Draft Statement of Common Ground

HS15.6b Appendix 2 TL Development Framework Plan

HS15.6c Appendix 3 WH Draft Statement of Common Ground

HS15.6d Appendix 4 WH Development Framework Plan

HS15.7 Bretton Family, Hartley Family, Mrs Caine, Harron Homes (ID Planning)

HS15.8 Mark Baxendale (IOP Consulting)

HS15.9 Councillor Howard Blagbrough

HS15.10 CPRE (Andrew Wood)

HS15.10a CPRE Appendix 1

HS15.11 F O E (Mr Anthony Rae)

HS15.12 Mr Jason Carlton

HS15.13 Clifton Village Neighbourhood Forum (NLJ Consulting Ltd)

HS15.13a Appendix 1 TTHC - Thornhill Transport Assessment

HS15.14 Mr Nicholas Harrison (D5 Planning)

HS15.14a Appendix 1 Heritage Statement

HS15.15 Consortium of Homebuilders (Barton Willmore)

HS15.16 Historic England

HS15.16a Historic England Additional Comments

HS15.17 David Gibson (John England)

HS15.18 Woodhouse Residents Association

Matter 17 - Elland housing allocations (HS17)

HS17.1 Elland Housing Allocations Statement - Calderdale Council

HS17.2 Mr Nigel Duckworth

HS17.2a Appendix 1 Letter Environment Agency

HS17.3 Mr & Mrs Howe

HS17.4 Councillor Marilyn Greenwood

HS17.5 Lorraine Clayton

HS17.6 Councillor Paul Bellenger (Stainland and Greetland Ward Councillor)

HS17.7 Lyndsey Ashton Part 1

HS17.7a Lyndsey Ashton Part 2

HS17.8 The Greetland Academy Trust (Amanda Bennett)

HS17.9 S Powers

HS17.10 Avant Homes (McLoughlin Planning)

HS17.10a Appendix 1a Access Arrangements

HS17.10b Appendix 1b Vehicular Access Section

HS17.10c Appendix 2 Biodiversity Statement

HS17.10d Appendix 3 Noise Impact Statement

HS17.10e Appendix 4 Landscape and Heritage

HS17.11 Persimmon Homes WY (Lichfields)

HS17.12 Thornhill Estates (ID Planning)

HS17.13 Valley Mill Action Group (Laura Wright)

HS17.14 Mr Graham Maslen Part 1

HS17.14a Mr Graham Maslen Part 2

HS17.15 Ms Lesley Malsen

HS17.16 Ms Charlotte Helen Flockton

HS17.17 CPRE (Andrew Wood)

HS17.18 Greetland Norland and West Vale Neighbourhood Planning (Mr Edward Greenwood)

HS17.19 Mr Mark & Mrs Amanda Tattersall

HS17.20 Keyland Developments Ltd (Spawforths Ltd)

HS17.21 Barratt Homes (PB Planning)

HS17.21a Appendix 1 View Point Location Plan

HS17.21b Appendix 2 Saddleworth Road Views

HS17.21c Appendix 3 Landscape & Visual and Green Belt Appraisal July 2020

HS17.21d Appendix 4 Preliminary Ecological Appraisal July 2020

HS17.21e Appendix 5 Transport Statement July 2020

HS17.21f Appendix 6 Heritage Appraisal July 2020

HS17.21g Appendix 7 Indicative Masterplan

HS17.21h Appendix 8 Flood Risk & Drainage Strategy July 2020

HS17.22 Countryside Properties (Barton Willmore)

HS17.23 Stonebridge Homes (Barton Willmore)

HS17.24 Mr & Mrs Hill-Wood

HS17.25 Historic England

HS17.26 Conrad Thwaites

HS17.27 Derrick Longbottom

HS17.28 Elland, Greetland, Stainland and Ryburn Liberal Democrats

Matter 18 - Halifax housing allocations (HS18)

HS18.1 Halifax Housing Allocations Statement - Calderdale Council

HS18.2 Sports England

HS18.3 Diocese of Leeds (Sanderson Weatherall)

HS18.4 Martin Cruft

HS18.5 Lorraine Clayton

HS18.6 Mr & Mrs Clarke

HS18.6a Appendix 1 Deeds

HS18.7 Mr John Needham

HS18.7a Appendix 1 Image – Not Conservation Area

HS18.8 Persimmon Homes WY (Lichfields)

HS18.9 Ms Lynda Newton

HS18.10 Halifax Civic Trust (Alan Goodrum) Part 1

HS18.10a Halifax Civic Trust (Alan Goodrum) Part 2

HS18.11 Mr Andrew Bateman

HS18.12 Mr & Mrs Tosh

HS18.13 Mrs R C Frith

HS18.14 Mr Kevin Whittam (DPP Planning)

HS18.15 Mr Sean Bamforth

HS18.16 CPRE (Andrew Wood)

HS18.17 Countryside Properties (Barton Willmore)

HS18.18 Stonebridge Homes (Barton Willmore)

HS18.19 Shibden Valley Society (David Whitcher)

HS18.20 Mr A Clarke

HS18.21 Mr Iain Crouch (P Ryley & Co Ltd)

HS18.21a Appendix 1 Site Assessment Report

HS18.22 Mandy Walker (SCP Transport - Mark Devenish)

HS18.23 Adrian Rose (Rose Consulting)

HS18.23a Appendix 1 Grantham Road Improvement Scheme

HS18.23b Appendix 2 James Garside and Son Ltd

HS18.23c Appendix 3a Title Deed

HS18.23d Appendix 3b Clients Land Ownership

HS18.23e Appendix 4 Reflecting Road Studs Application for Employment Use

HS18.24 Adrian Rose (Rose Consulting)

HS18.24a Appendix 1 Site Overview Ovendon Road

HS18.24b Appendix 2 Site Layout Ovendon Road

HS18.24c Appendix 3 Junction Detail

HS18.24d Appendix 4 Site Visuals

HS18.25 Audrey Reid

HS18.26 Delores Hickox

HS18.27 Graham Holdsworth

HS18.28 Creditors For Southdale Ltd (Begbies Traynor)

Matter 19 - Hebden Bridge, Mytholmroyd, Ripponden and Sowerby Bridge housing allocations (HS19)

General Statements - Stage 2 (HS/GS2)

HS/GS2.1 Mr Jason Carlton.

Additional Comments on CC62b - Transport Technical Note 13: Assessment of Cumulative Impact 2020

Additional Comments on CC63 - Implication of the 2018 Household Projections - Technical Note

Additional Comments on CC65 - Response to Use Classes Order Changes

HS/CC65.01 Nigel Duckworth.

HS/CC65.02 Tom Connor.

HS/CC65.03 Lyndsey Ashton.

HS/CC65.04 Adam Kershaw.

HS/CC65.05 Amanda Tattersall.

HS/CC65.05 Natural England.

Additional Comments on CC66 - Infrastructure Delivery Plan (Updated 2020)

Additional Comments on CC67 - Housing Allocation Viability Assessment Final Report 2020

Additional Comments on CC68 - Heritage Impact Assessment

Additional Comments on CC69 - Housing Delivery Test Action Plan Draft 2020

Site Specific Supporting Evidence – Allocations (SS)

SS2 - LP0046 - Goosegate Farm, Heathy Lane, Holmfield, Halifax (Housing Allocation)

SS3 - LP0075 - Laithe Croft Farm, Bowling Green Road, Stainland, Elland (Housing Allocation)

SS4 - LP0353 - Fairfax Crescent, Southowram, Halifax (Housing Allocation)

SS5 - LP0355 - Ainleys Industrial Estate, Ainley Bottom, Elland (Employment Allocation)

SS6 - LP0509 - Land and Buildings opposite B & M, Dewsbury Road, Elland (Mixed Use Allocation)

SS7 - LP0565 - Bowling Alley/Scholey Avenue, Rastrick, Brighouse (Housing Allocation)

SS10 - LP0640 - The Hollins, Stansfield Hall Road, Todmorden, OL14 (Housing Allocation)

SS11 - LP0814 - Richmond Street, Stannary Place, Halifax (Housing Allocation)

SS12 - LP0815 - Works Depot, Stannary Place, Halifax (Housing Allocation)

SS13 - LP0968 - Land at West End Golf Club, Paddock Lane, Highroad Well, Halifax (Housing Allocation)

SS15 - LP1000 - Woodhouse Lane, Rastrick, Brighouse (Housing Allocation)

SS17 - LP1077 - Southedge Quarry, Brighouse Road, Hipperholme, Brighouse (Housing Allocation)

SS19 - LP1088 - West Vale Works, Stainland Road, West Vale, Greetland, Elland (Mixed Use Allocation)

SS22 - LP1123 - Kinnaird Close, Elland (Mixed Use Allocation)

SS23 - LP1137 - Horley Green Works, Horley Green Road, Claremount, Halifax (Housing Allocation)

SS26 - LP1216 - Mill Lane and Old Lane, Boothtown, Halifax (Housing Allocation)

SS29 - LP1292 - Cow Green Car Park, Halifax (Mixed Use Allocation)

SS30 - LP1398 - Land on the West Side of Brockwell Lane, Triangle, Sowerby Bridge (Housing Allocation)

SS31 - LP1407 - Scar Bottom Lane, Greetland, Elland (Housing Allocation)

SS32 - LP1412 - Land North of, Lower Brockwell Lane, Sowerby Bridge (Housing Allocation)

SS34 - LP1429 - Former St Catherines High School, Holdsworth Road, Holmfield, Halifax (Housing Allocation)

SS37 - LP1481 - Former St Catherines High School Grounds, Holdsworth Road, Halifax (Housing Allocation)

SS38 - LP1503 - Stoney Lane, Hebden Bridge (Housing Allocation)

SS39 - LP1609 - Titan Works, Claremount Road, Boothtown, Halifax (Housing Allocation)

SS40 - LP1622 - Top Land, Cragg Vale, Mytholmroyd (Employment Allocation)

SS46 - LP1567 - Land adjacent to Exley Lane, North of Elland, Elland (Housing Allocation)

SS48 – LP0177 - Land adjacent to Ellistones Place, Saddleworth Road, Greetland (Housing Allocation)

SS51 – LP1093 - Hill Crest Quarry, Halifax Road, Hove Edge (Housing Allocation)

SS54 – LP0950 – Beacon Lodge Quarry, Long Lane, Halifax (Housing Allocation)

SS55 – LP1036 – Land at north of Shelf Cricket Ground, Carr House Lane, Shelf, Halifax (Housing Allocation)

SS56 – LP0658 – Cinderhill Mills, Halifax Road, Todmorden

SS59 - LP0032 - Land to the rear of Crosslee PLC, Brighouse Road, Hipperholme

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